Happy Mother’s Day!!!

There are so many things we can do to appreciate our moms. It can be mother's Dayas elaborate as a big colorful party or as simple as spending time together. Have you seen a good movie lately with your mom? Treat her to a movie or snuggle up next to her on your couch watching a movie together at home.  AMC theatre has its own promotions if you decide to go out www.amctheatres.com/offers.

You can also create a crafty gift. Martha Stewart’s website has many interesting and fun ideas: www.marthastewart.com/1060534/mothers-day.

One of my favorites is to give her hugs and kisses and tell her how much she is appreciated. It is a gift from the heart. It’s ok to be a kid again in your mom’s loving embrace. Happy Mother’s DAY to all the MOMS in the world. You are totally APPRECIATED!

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I’ve been working diligently on upgrading my website. It is finally ready to share. There are still more I need to update. It is an ongoing process. Please check it out and pass it on https://TastyPhoQueen.com. You can also leave your feedback. Looking forward to hearing from you.

I also created a game and you are welcome to participate. Click here for more information: www.phoqueencooking.com/2015/05/vietnamese-meals-available-for-lunch/

My demonstration calendar is now updated: www.tastyphoqueen.com/demo/ Here is my demonstration schedule for the Libraries 2015. I am open to your suggestions on new topics:

May 9 – Orlando Library downtown (eggrolls)

May 16 – South Creek Branch Library (spring rolls)

May 17 – Maitland Library (Pot Stickers)

May 20 – West Oak Branch (spring rolls)

August 16 – Maitland Library

November 1 – Maitland Library

Looking for unique and special gifts?  A Vietnamese Kitchen, Treasured Family Recipes are available for sale at www.PhoQueenCooking.com/products & at amazon http://www.amazon.com/shops/phoQueenCooking.

Magic Monkey Sauce and Magic Dragon Sauce

monkey sauceare available for sale online at Amazon.com and also my website. I need your help in adding your personal reviews. Please visit the following Amazon pages to add your review:

Amazon – Magic Monkey: http://www.amazon.com/Pho-Queens-Magic-Monkey-Sauce/dp/B00DLL1662

Amazon – Magic Dragon:  http://www.amazon.com/Pho-Queens-Magic-Dragon-Sauce/dp/B00DLRBEX6

These specialty sauces are now available at
–   Hollieanna Groves (www.hollieanna.com)
–   The Ancient Olive in Winter Park (www.theancientolive.com)
–   Petty’s Meat Market in Longwood, FL. (www.pettysmeats.com)
–   The Meat House in Winter Park, FL. (www.themeathouse.com)

Asdragon saucek for Pho Queen’s Specialty Sauces: Magic Monkey and Magic Dragon Sauces.

If you would like to have Pho Queen Specialty Sauces available at your local stores, please email me the store names and contact information. I will take care of the rest.


Check out a video clip of Pho Queen presenting Vietnamese food and culture demonstration at the Edgewater Library, courtesy of the Orange County Library System. Demonstrations

Want more recipes and fun stories about Vietnamese culture, buy A Vietnamese Kitchen cookbook now (www.PhoQueenCooking.com/products), and support Pho Queen.

Note: If you missed my last newsletters, please visit  www.tastyphoqueen.com/blog-2/ for past newsletters.


Have fun eating healthy!



Vietnamese meals available for lunch —


Happy month of May!!! I am creating a brand new game for the month of May with a goal in mind. I would like to share my love of Vietnamese food and services with as many local businesses as possible in Maitland, FL. Would you like to participate in my game?

It is a simple pass on the game. Looking for something different, healthy, & yummy to eat for lunch? Why not Vietnamese food? It’s different, healthy & yummy!!!

Currently, I deliver meals to two local businesses weekly on Tuesday & Wednesday. I have Monday, Thursday & Friday open for more deliveries.

It would be cool to have a minimum of TEN orders per business to allow free deliver introductory promotion. The food will be delivered directly & conveniently to your business.

How do you play the pass it on the game? When you pass on my information and I receive 10 orders from the same business referred by you, your meal will be FREE!!!

Here is my May Menu of what I offer weekly with the current businesses: Click –> Menu <– Please contact me via email if you have further questions – info@phoQueenCooking.com.